Program Information
Attendance: Our morning “circle time” begins promptly at 9:00am. Parents are welcome to attend, but are not required to do so; however, circle-time is an important introduction to the day for the children. Please arrive at ALG in time for your child(ren) to stow their gear and join the Circle as it begins.
If a late arrival is needed, parents should notify the school in advance. Please notify the school by phone or email to report a child’s absence. A written reminder should be sent whenever a new person is picking up your child or early dismissal is needed.
Classroom Visitation: Parents are always welcome at ALG. We encourage all parents to visit during the year, and we welcome ideas to involve different family or cultural traditions, skills or knowledge into our program. Please speak to the Program Director if you have any ideas. Parents, however, may not use the school for routine visitation with their children. When an ALG child is involved in a child-custody case, ALG will follow the dictate of the court.
Community Building Events: ALG hosts several events during the year to help families get to know one another. Specific dates change slightly each year and will be included in the school calendar, on the website and holiday list. The events include:
- Fall Back to School Night
- Family Fun Day
- Saturday Playdate
- Thanksgiving Celebration
- Winter All-Parent Meeting
- Spring Auction
- Special Programs (2/year based on parent interest)
- End of year picnic
Daily Schedule: Every child is assigned to a group (by color) at the beginning of the school year. Children move with their groups throughout the daily schedule (see attachment B for a sample Schedule). Children have multiple occasions to interact with children from other groups during the day. Group assignments may change during the year based on the needs of individuals and group dynamics. The staff will inform children and parents of these changes before they occur.
Dress: Please dress children appropriately for the weather and outdoor activities every day (e.g. play clothes). Children still enjoy outside play in the winter or on days that are overcast or wet – please be sure to send them with weather-appropriate clothing (snow gloves, boots, snow pants or snow-suit, rain boots, hats, etc) and in clothes that can get wet/dirty. Children should be dressed in clothes that they are able to get on and off by themselves or with minimal assistance. Children should always have a full, seasonally-appropriate change of clothes and shoes in their cubby.
Children may NOT wear fancy shoes to school or shoes with open toes. Also, while we welcome children to come to school wearing dress up clothes, any child coming to school in clothes which will hinder their ability to fully participate in physical activities will be asked to change before we go outside.
Field Trips: The class takes trips to museums, parks, playgrounds and other places throughout the year. Parents are notified of field trips by email and via postings on the bulletin board and must sign a permission slip for their child to participate. There is an annual activity fee of $75 that is assessed per child to cover all costs related to field trips and some special programming. On fieldtrip days, parents and are given the cell phone number of one of the staff in case of emergencies. Since fieldtrips are such an important part of our curriculum, ALG strongly encourages each family to chaperone one field trip a year (you can be creative and invite a grandparent, visiting aunt/uncle, child care provider, etc). Walking field trips are covered by a once a year walking field trip permission slip.
In order to ensure the safety and well being of children at ALG on field trips, the following rules will apply:
- Every child must have a permission slip signed prior to the day of the field trip. Permission slips will be available at school near the sign-in sheet and a blank form is available on the ALG website under the Parents Page/forms.
- There must be one adult to every three/four children going on the fieldtrip, this includes ALG staff, co-opers, and chaperones.
- If the fieldtrip occurs on a day that your child does not typically attend ALG, your child is still welcome to come on the field trip if an adult accompanies him/her. Please notify the director or program director if you plan on attending, to plan for adequate transportation.
- If your child’s color group is not scheduled to go on the day he/she is in school, but another group is scheduled to go that day, your child can attend with the other group if permission is cleared with the director or program director prior to the event. This will help ensure that there are enough adults chaperoning the day of the event.
- Children should dress in comfortable clothes: weather appropriate (hats, gloves, coats, raingear).
- Children should bring lunches that have small snacks that they can eat before leaving the school.
- All children will wear a sticker with the school name, phone number, and the cell number of a staff member in case they get lost/separated from the group.
- If the field trip requires driving, parents are expected to bring and install a carseat for their child/children the day of the fieldtrip.
Chaperones are expected to:
- Arrive by circle time so they can meet and greet the children they are responsible for that day.
- Ensure children in their care are following directions, holding hands, and answering roll calls.
- SmartTrip will be provided by ALG if the fieldtrip requires public transportation.
Fostering Independence: An important part of ALG’s values and goals is to encourage children to become independent and self reliant. As such, we require all children to walk into and leave ALG on their own two feet; to carry their own lunchboxes and personal belongings; and place their things in their cubby or on their own hooks. Please support these values by having your child take care of these tasks on his/her own.
Holidays and Vacations: Each year a list of dates is given to families by September 15. ALG generally follows the DC Public Schools’ calendar, although winter breaks may differ slightly. ALG staff may run separate camps during holidays and summer vacation, depending on both family and staff interest.
Lunch: Parents must send their child(ren) to ALG with a lunchbox filled with healthy and nutritious food. Children will have access to their lunch all day, and eat when they are hungry at the lunch tables. Twice a day all children will be invited to bring their lunch boxes and eat together. Each child is responsible for opening and packing up his/her lunchbox (teachers will assist children with containers or bags they haven’t yet ‘mastered’).
ALG has a strong “no dessert” policy, and will return any food that violates this policy (e.g., cookies, fig newtons, granola bars, yogurt-covered raisins, etc). Please send food packaged in easy-to-access containers without artificial flavoring/coloring, that are low in salt and contain little to no sugar, high fructose corn syrup, etc. Please use thermoses to pack milk, soy/ricemilk or water (no juice please) and yogurt containers with plastic tops that can be closed and kept in the lunchbox with an ice pack. “A small amount of several items [of food]” suits preschool children well. Children have access to fresh water all day, and we ask that each child bring a water bottle from home which can be refilled.
When any child in the school has a food allergy, we work with that family to develop a safety plan. For severe or airborne allergies, we may ask families not to send a particular food to school at all. Parents will be notified early in the school year of any food allergies.
Naps: Naptime is determined each year based on the needs of the children. Naps will occur between 1:30 to 3:00pm. Parents whose children attend aftercare should discuss their child’s napping routine with the director or program director. All families whose children nap at ALG are asked to bring in pillows, sheets and blankets that will be returned weekly to be washed. ALG provides cots for all children who nap.
Parent Classroom Assistance: From time to time, the school looks to the parents for assistance with classroom activities outside of the co-oping responsibilities. The most common need is for parents to drive on field trips or assist staff in the classroom as a substitute teacher. Drivers are requested via email or the listserve. Each year an appropriate substitute list is formed in consultation with the Steering Committee.
Parent Communication: Parents are encouraged to confer frequently with the staff in several different ways (listed below). Please maintain regular and timely communication with teachers about any issues that emerge.
Staff: Staff members are available to discuss the events of the day at pick-up time. When special issues emerge, if you have program ideas, or needs/concerns that you would like to discuss, please speak to the school’s director or program director (by phone, email, or in person).
Bulletin Board: The bulletin board is to the right of the front entrance and is used to post upcoming events and current information on any program changes.
Conferences: The staff schedules at least two lengthy parent conferences with each family annually, once in the fall and once in the spring. Parents or staff may request more as needed.
Parent Meetings: All-school meetings in the fall and spring provide an opportunity to talk with other parents and staff. There is a strong effort to establish an ongoing dialogue between parents and staff concerning each child’s growth and development.
Co-op Workshops: co-oping parents are required to come to a co-oping workshop early in the school year; all participating families are required to send a representative. There is also a Saturday Playdate that is held in November that is encouraged for co-oping parents to attend.
Steering Committee: The parent-led Steering Committee meets monthly at the school. The dates are posted on the web-calendar each semester. All parents are welcome to attend any meeting. Each ALG family is encouraged to send a representative to at least one meeting each year. If you have issues, ideas or questions you’d like to bring up with the steering committee, you can call the Steering Committee president, contact the director, or a parent member of the Steering Committee individually (See attachments for list of current Steering Committee Representatives).
Web & Listserve: The primary means of communicating with parents about general issues, field trips, monthly themes and upcoming events are through the email list (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and the web site ( All families should have at least one parent/guardian on the email list. Families are automatically invited to the list annually. If you want to add someone to the list, or update/change an email, please contact the Steering Committee Secretary/Webmaster.The ALG website will have the most recent roster, calendar, and co-op schedule available on the Parents’ Page. Contact the Steering Committee Secretary/Webmaster for the username and password to the Parent’s Page (see Attachment E for current contact information of the ALG Steering Committee).
Resource Programs: Four to five resource teachers work with the children once a week from October to April in special areas. These sessions each last 30 minutes to one hour. Sessions may include things such as creative play, music, yoga, and capoeira. Resource teacher’s days will be posted on the web calendar each semester.
School Hours: ALG’s hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Families select either a 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM or 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM schedule. Students should not arrive before 8:45 AM, unless they are with their co-oping parent. Extended day hours are from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM. There is no private use of the school property outside of the normal school hours without prior approval from the director.
Storage: Each child will be assigned a cubby, coat hook, and art file in September. Children are expected to keep a change of clothes and their lunch boxes in their cubby. Their coats, boots, and backpacks should be hung on their coat hook. The art file is located above the cubbies and will contain all school correspondence and child artwork.
Toys: Children are not permitted to bring toys from home into the school. Security items (“loveys”) are permitted, but generally stay in each child’s cubby until nap time or when a snuggle is needed to soothe.
Weather: ALG follows the DC Public Schools’ decisions for weather-related closing and delays. Closings information can be found on the website, at, or by listening to local radio stations for weather-related closings and delays. The website has a convenient email service that will notify you as soon as DCPS has made a decision.